PFLI names new IL coordinator and assistant coordinator

Powell, OH -- 25 Mar 2007 AD --Pharmacists For Life International (PFLI) announced this week that a new regional coordinator and assistant coordinator have been appointed for the increasingly important state of Illinois.

Neil Noesen, PharmD has been appointed as regional coordinator for IL and Sandra Checri, PharmD has been appointed assistant coordinator for IL, announced Executive Director Bogomir Kuhar, PharmD, with the approval of PFLI president Karen Brauer, MS, RPh.

This state, which has the extremist abortoholic governor Rod Blagojevich persecuting pharmacists of conscience on an ongoing basis, has taken on increasing importance of the pharmacist role in the promoting the culture of life, using "the gift of medications to promote life, not destroy it", as the PFLI motto states.

Noesen, with the assistance of Checri, will continue to unite and educate pharmacists in the land of Lincoln about the threats to the sanctity of life by abortifacient drugs and devices, as well as an increasingly threatening and hostile environment in the public arena by political forces against pharmacists of conscience who take seriously the Hippocratic Oath to "first, do no harm."

Noesen and Checri will soon be meeting with pro-life pharmacists of conscience to formulate plans specific to IL for defending the rights of the preborn and pharmacists of conscience. Most recently, Noesen led a contingent of pro-lifers at the APhA convention in Atlanta with pamphleting and educating thousands of pharmacists attending the annual meeting.
Both Noesen and Checri have an abundance of pharmacy experience at different practice sites.

Noesen has been under a long standing persecution by pro-abortion politicians and organizations in his previous practice in WI. That case remains under appeal.

For more information or to contact Noesen or Checri, see the PFLI website at:

PFLI PharmAid Center

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