Thank you for your interest in Walgreens. Below please find our Pharmacist Conscience Clause.
Pharmacist Conscience Clause

Walgreens recognizes an individual pharmacist's right of conscientious refusal to dispense a prescription based upon moral and ethical beliefs. This procedure is designed to ensure patient's access to therapy without compromising the pharmacist's beliefs.
The pharmacist is required to follow these steps to ensure patient access, unless otherwise directed by state law:

If… Then:
Another pharmacist is on duty Request the other pharmacist to complete the verification of the patient's prescription.
No other pharmacist is on duty or the other pharmacist will not complete the verification process. Immediately proceed to Step 2.

2. Call/page a member of management (store manager, EXA or MGT) and request he/she come to the pharmacy immediately to assist a waiting customer.
3. Advise the member of management that the patient's prescription can not be filled based upon personal moral and ethical beliefs.
4. Promptly print out this document for the member of management to review.
5. Assist the member of management in completing steps 6 thru 8
6. The member of management should contact the nearest store and confirm that the medication is in stock and will be filled by the pharmacist on duty.
7. The member of management will then inform the patient that the pharmacist is unable to fill the prescription and the location of the nearest store location confirmed in Step 6 that can process the prescription.

Important: Comments regarding moral and/or ethical beliefs regarding the patient's medication should NOT be discussed with the patient.
The patient must be directed to the nearest pharmacy that can immediately fill the prescription presented.


If the Prescription is… Then:
  • Return the hard copy to the patient and
  • Apologize for the inconvenience.
A Refill
  • Call the store selected in Step 6,
  • Allow the patient to transfer the prescription to that location and
  • Apologize for the inconvenience.

Revised 04/04/2005
Original 05/10/2004
