Health Professions Quality Assurance

Board of Pharmacy

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"Working to Protect and Improve the Health of People in Washington State"

Doing Business in Washington

For further assistance with your Washington State business requirements, visit the  Learn about Doing Business in Washington
Web site.


Welcome to the Washington State Board of Pharmacy  Web Page. You will find information regarding health care providers, regulations for professional practice and contact information to put you in touch with people who can help answer your questions. Please let us know what you think of this site and how it can be of more use to you. The Department of Health works to protect and improve the health of people in Washington State and with your help, we can continue to update and improve the information we offer to the public.

Hot Topic

Beginning with the April 2007 issue, the Board of Pharmacy will no longer be mailing copies of our quarterly newsletter. The newsletter will be made available by electronic distribution only. Please sign-up here to have the newsletter sent automatically to your e-mail address at work or home. Or, you may download a copy of the newsletter from the Board's webpage. Don't forget to tell your colleagues!

Rule Making Update

The Washington State Board of Pharmacy approved proposed rule language on October 27, 2006, regarding WAC 246-863-095- Pharmacist’s Professional Responsibilities. Based on stakeholder input during rule development the Board has determined that it may be necessary to address a pharmacy’s responsibilities to deliver lawfully prescribed drugs or devices. Therefore, the Board plans to file a Preproposal Statement of Inquiry (CR101) to solicit written public comments. The CR101 rules packet will be filed with the Code Reviser’s Office in mid-November and posted to the Department of Health’s Rules Public Comment page at that time


Protect yourself and your patients from the flu – make sure you get a flu shot.

If you get the flu, you can spread it to your patients and family before you even feel sick. Healthcare professionals that get vaccinated reduce their chances of getting the flu and prevent the spread of disease to their patients and families.

For more information on flu and flu vaccinations, visit: or


For further assistance with your Washington State business requirements, please visit the  Learn about Doing Business in Washington Web page.